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Report: Joe Biden Plans First Major Tax Hike in a Generation

Breitbart: President Joe Biden is considering a tax hike to underwrite the economic program launched by the approval of his $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package, a Monday report by Bloomberg claims. The tax jump will be the first major move in federal taxes in almost 30 years if successful.

” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Matthew 22:21

Bloomberg quotes unidentified sources to outline the increases will back Biden’s promises made during his 2020 campaign.

An independent analysis of the Biden campaign’s tax plan conducted by the Tax Policy Center found it would raise around $2.1 trillion over 10 years, according to the report.

Tax hikes included as part of infrastructure and job packages will likely include repealing part of former President Trump‘s 2017 tax law that benefitted corporations and wealthy individuals, the news outlet notes, citing sources close to the matter.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden twice flagged his desire to raise taxes on everyone, including the middle class, during last year’s presidential debates. Read More

Dianne Feinstein Cites ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Concerns in Push to Ban AR-15s

Breitbart: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is citing “domestic terrorism” concerns in her latest push to ban AR-15s and other commonly owned semiautomatic rifles.

Breitbart News noted Feinstein’s new ban, the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021,” was put forward Thursday with at least 34 Senate Democrat co-sponsors.

But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house. Mark 3:27 ESV

The bill is designed to ban 205 different firearms, including different variants of the wildly popular AR-15 rifle.

The New York Post reports Feinstein is citing “domestic terrorism” as an impetus for the ban. She said, “We’re now seeing a rise in domestic terrorism, and military-style assault weapons are increasingly becoming the guns of choice for these dangerous groups.”

Citizens Crime Commission of New York City | Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazines

Feinstein’s legislation would also ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Read More

World financial leaders want to adopt China’s nefarious system to determine credit using a person’s internet history

the IMF proposed a system of social credit scoring similar to the kind already in use in Communist China

cashless society, esg score, global surveillance, gun control. Universal healthcare, IMF, Jean Claude Junker, social credit score

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As Biden Feminizes Our Military, China Aims to “Cultivate Masculinity”

The New American: Will waxing Yin and waning Yang end America with a bang? It’s a fitting question as the feminization of the American armed forces continues apace, with Joe Biden talking about “maternity flight suits” and changing “the culture and habits that cause women to leave the military.” Meanwhile, our chief geopolitical adversary, China, is choosing a very different route:

“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.” Luke 11:21-22 NIV

It’s embracing a program designed to enhance the masculinity of its adolescent boys.

This story became an issue after Fox News host Tucker Carlson highlighted feminism-driven armed-services changes being advocated by Joe Biden and accused the Bidenites of making “a mockery of the US military.”

“While China’s military becomes more masculine as it has assembled the world’s largest navy, our military, as Joe Biden says, needs to become more feminine,” Carlson stated on his show’s Tuesday edition.

Air travel is picking up as TSA records highest passenger screenings in nearly a year

CNBC: TSA officers screened the highest number of passengers on a single day since March 15, 2020.

  • Air travel is starting to pick up again after a challenging year for travel caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Passengers on Friday were still 20% lower than the number of passengers on the same day last year, and down nearly 38% from 2019.

TSA officers screened 1,357,111 people at airports on Friday, marking the highest number of passengers on a single day since March 15, 2020.

The milestone reflects that air travel is starting to pick up again after a challenging year for airlines caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Read More

Palestinians and Arab League Condemn Opening of Czech Jerusalem Office

Algemeiner: The Palestinian Authority and the Arab League on Saturday condemned the Czech Republic’s opening of a diplomatic office in Jerusalem as a violation of international law.

“Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.” Daniel 9:27 

Prague opened a Jerusalem branch of its Israel embassy, which is located in Tel Aviv, on Thursday.

Andrej Babis: Czech PM denies son was kidnapped - BBC News

The inauguration was attended by Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, two weeks after Israel sent 5,000 Moderna COVID-19 vaccine doses to the Czech Republic under a “vaccine diplomacy” program that later came under legal scrutiny and was frozen.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry called Prague’s move “a blatant attack on the Palestinian people and their rights, a flagrant violation of international law,” and said it would harm peace prospects.

Biden administration supports global plan for graphic LGBT sex-ed

LifeSite: The U.S. government under Joe Biden supports “comprehensive sexuality education” in UN policy once again. This controversial UN approach to sex-education includes teaching grade-school children that homosexuality and transgenderism are healthy, and that masturbation is positive.

“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 22:6 ESV

U.S. diplomats expressed strong support for “comprehensive sexuality education” in negotiations for an agreement on women’s issues to be adopted by the UN Commission on the Status of Women on March 23, according to insiders familiar with the negotiations.

Under the Trump administration the U.S. government had backed off promoting this controversial term. In a turnaround from only a few weeks ago, U.S. diplomats are now following the lead of the European Union and insisting that this term makes it into the agreement of the commission.

Ad on Sex Education Distorts Obama Policy - The New York Times

The insistence of European delegations and the Obama administration to include “comprehensive sexuality education” in UN agreements is responsible for derailing negotiations over past UN agreements. Countries who lean conservative on social issues oppose the term for fear of endorsing highly controversial sex education curricula promoted by international agencies. Read More

Rothschild emerges from the shadows for the Centenary of the London Gold Fixing

Bullion Star: “The history of the London Gold Fixing is a history of gold price intervention and manipulation“

“They will throw their silver into the streets,
And their gold will be like refuse;
Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them
In the day of the wrath of the Lord …” Ezekiel 7:19

This month in London marks the 100th anniversary of the first “London Gold Fixing”, the infamous daily meeting of a secretive cartel of bullion banks which has met since 1919 to set benchmark gold prices used throughout the international gold market, a meeting which continues to this day through its thinly disguised successor, the LBMA Gold Price auction.

London gold price benchmarks are critically important to the global gold market because they are used as a valuation source for everything from ISDA gold interest rate swap contracts to gold-backed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and everything from OTC gold contracts to transaction reference prices used by physical bullion dealers when purchasing gold bars and gold coins from refineries and suppliers.

Since 2015, the London Gold Fixing has been known as the LBMA Gold Price following a rush by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) bullion banks to patch over the then scandalized  ‘Fixing’ in a smoke and mirrors and circle the wagons relaunch and renaming exercise.

The collusive Gold Fixing first formally came into existence on 12 September 1919 when the Bank of England tapped its favorite bankers N.M. Rothschild & Sons to be the daily Fixing’s permanent chairman. Rothschild and the Bank of England had been joined at the hip since the early 1800s and would continue to be so in the Gold Fixing throughout the next century.

Rothschild would remain as the Gold Fixing’s permanent chairman until May 2004 at which point the fabled investment bank mysteriously departed the gold fixing and stepped back into the shadows after 200 years in the London Gold Market. Read More

Jordanian FM blames Netanyahu for diplomatic incident

Arutz Sheva: Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi on Friday blasted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu following the diplomatic incident between Jordan and Israel earlier this week.

“Assyria also has joined with them;
They have helped the children of Lot.” Selah Psalm 83:8

On Wednesday, Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein canceled his visit to the Temple Mount following an incident at the Allenby Crossing.

The visit had been closely coordinated between Jordanian and Israeli officials, but when the Crown Prince arrived with his entourage, it became clear that the Jordanians had not complied with the earlier agreement and had brought significantly greater security.

Israel did not agree to the entry of additional security guards, and the entourage and prince returned to Amman.

Israel did not agree to the entry of additional security guards, and the entourage and prince returned to Amman. Read More

Fertilizer Prices Rocket Higher As Farmers Become ‘Bullish’ On Upcoming Growing Season

Zero Hedge: US wholesale fertilizer prices have been on a tear since December 2020 due to rising commodity prices, tight supplies, and strong demand.

Last fall, Rabobank forecasted that phosphate and other fertilizer prices would remain elevated in the first half of 2021 because commodity prices were accelerating. Now Rabobank reports phosphate prices have nearly doubled.

“You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes.” ESV

“With the increase in commodity prices, there has been an increased demand for fertilizers since last fall. This increased demand, coupled with reduced fertilizer imports is – according to forecasters – predicted to keep fertilizer prices elevated through fall and potentially into next year,” Jamie Patton, senior Outreach Specialist for the UW-Nutrient and Pest Management Program, told Wisconsin State Farmer

DAP Tampa Fertilizer Index has nearly doubled since the start of the year. Read More