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CDC Director Implores Texans To Keep Wearing Masks Regardless Of Governor’s Orders

Zero Hedge: Newly minted CDC Director Rochelle Walensky wants residents of Texas and Mississippi to continue wearing face masks despite the governors there lifting COVID-19 restrictions amid a decline in cases.

I think we, the CDC, have been very clear that now is not the time to release all restrictions,” said Walensky during a White House pandemic briefing in response to a question about reopening Texas. “Every individual is empowered to do the right thing here, regardless of what states decide.”

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Romans 13:1

On Tuesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott enraged the left after announcing that the state would lift its mask mandate and reopen businesses next week, while also banning counties from fining or jailing people who disregard local measures.


‘Dystopian Nightmare’: Microsoft Teams Up With Schools To Create Covid ‘Daily Pass’ For Kids

Daily Wire: Microsoft Corp. has teamed up with the Los Angeles Unified School District to bring students a Covid-19-related “comprehensive system” called “Daily Pass.”

“So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:14

The system requires children to be scanned into school with their own unique QR code: their “Daily Pass.” If a student doesn’t have their barcode, they cannot get into school. And per the district, students will also still be wearing masks, staying six feet apart from one another and getting temperature checks outside the school.

There are nearly half a million students in the Los Angeles Unified School District, ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade.

To earn their safe-for-school Daily Pass, students and staffers must answer questions online and test negative for the novel coronavirus every week.

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” Revelation 13:16

“Daily Pass generates a unique QR code for each student and staff member, and that code authorizes entry to a specific LAUSD location for that day only — as long as the individual receives a negative test result for COVID, shows no symptoms and has a temperature under 100 degrees, the district said,” NBC Los Angeles outlined. “Upon the individual’s arrival to a campus, their QR code is scanned by a district school-site leader, who takes the individual’s temperature.”

According to a statement released by the billionaire last March, Gates intended to “remain active at the company and would work closely with Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief executive.”

“Microsoft will always be an important part of my life’s work and I will continue to be engaged with Satya and the technical leadership to help shape the vision and achieve the company’s ambitious goals. I feel more optimistic than ever about the progress the company is making,” wrote Gates.  Read More

10% GDP growth? The U.S. economy is on fire, and is about to get stoked even more

CNBC: Economic growth in the first quarter could hit 10%, according to a Federal Reserve tracker.

  • That comes with Congress poised to spend another $1.9 trillion to address various areas.
  • Manufacturing is at its highest level since 2018, with prices rising and inventories choked.
  • Employment remains the main weak spot, though some encouraging signs are emerging. Read More

Syria Set to Join UN Commission Fighting ‘Subjugation of Peoples’

Jewish Press: The Assad regime will be elected to a senior post on a United Nations committee in charge of upholding fundamental human rights in opposing the “subjugation, domination and exploitation” of peoples, UN Watch reported from Geneva.

“At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through.” Daniel 11:40

The UN Special Committee on Decolonization was established in 1961 and is exclusively devoted to the issue of decolonization. The Committee holds its main session in New York in June, as well as an annual seminar in the Caribbean and Pacific in alternate years. In 2018, the seminar was held in St. George’s, Grenada.

Here’s a fun fact: the announcement of Syria’s promotion to the post of liberating the colonized people of the world (the vast majority of whom would rather stay colonized, thank you very much), was made on February 18, the same day that a UN commission of inquiry accused Syria of “crimes against humanity, war crimes, and other international crimes including genocide.”

Read More

Destroying a Generation: The 3 Million Missing Children of the Pandemic

Daily Wire: Children are not just falling behind due to pandemic school closures. The problem of missing children is now coming to light. In October, Bellwether Education Partners estimated that millions of the most underserved and at-risk children had not attended school in-person or online since March 2020. From their study:

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

For approximately 3 million of the most educationally marginalized students in the country, March might have been the last time they experienced any formal education — virtual or in-person. Stories from across the country illustrate pieces of this crisis.

CMS reopening with two weeks in classrooms, then fully online - Q City Metro

  • In Los Angeles, 15%-20% of English learners, students in foster care, students with disabilities, and homeless students didn’t access any of the district’s online educational materials from March through May.

  • In Washington, D.C., back-to-school family surveys found that 60% of students lacked the devices and 27% lacked the high-speed internet access needed to successfully participate in virtual school.

  • In Miami-Dade County, 16,000 fewer students enrolled this fall compared with last year. Read More


“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 19:14

Biden team ‘disappointed’ as Iran demands US ‘kneel’ over sanctions relief

Washington Examiner: Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s team is “disappointed” in Iran’s refusal to discuss the rehabilitation of the 2015 nuclear deal, as Tehran is deriding President Biden’s diplomatic concessions while demanding economic relief in advance of any talks.

 “Persia, Cush[and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets” Ezekiel 38:5

“We are disappointed at Iran’s response, but we remain ready to re-engage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to compliance” with the nuclear accord, State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters Monday.

Iranian officials issued their rebuff of Biden’s overture to coincide with a brewing dispute between Tehran and the United Nations nuclear watchdog agency. The regime has been hiding nuclear activity at multiple secret sites, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency chief. Yet Iranian officials believe they can compel Biden to ease the economic pressure on the regime, despite a lack of concessions by Tehran.

“I am certain that the world and the United States will have to kneel before this great nation’s will and lift unjust sanctions,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Monday, per state media. Read More

Texas Governor Ends Mask Mandate, Businesses Open 100 Percent

Breitbart: Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the ending of the statewide coronavirus mask mandate during an event in Lubbock, Texas. The mandate went into effect in July and required all Texans to wear a mask covering the mouth and nose while in public places.

Governor Abbott addressed a group of small business and community leaders at a meeting of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday afternoon. During the meeting, the governor announced he would end the statewide coronavirus mask mandate.

“It is time for Texas to be open 100 percent,” the governor said. “Everybody that wants a job should be able to get a job. Every business that wants to be open should be open.” Read More

Digital Book Burning Comes for Dr. Seuss — on His Birthday

PJ Media: The attack on Dr. Seuss as somehow racist traces back to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left smear factory known for branding mainstream conservative and Christian organizations as “hate groups” and listing them along with the Ku Klux Klan. The SPLC’s education arm, formerly Teaching Tolerance but now known as “Learning for Justice,” issued a report condemning Dr. Seuss books for signs of “Orientalism” and “anti-blackness.” Learning for Justice promotes Marxist critical race theory in public schools.

Loudoun County Public Schools, a Virginia school district known for its leftist tiltremoved Dr. Seuss books from its library shelves last week, ahead of the week celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday. (LCPS has also adopted SPLC curriculum in its elementary schools.)

“And He has made from one [a]blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.: Acts 17:26

Fitting the theme of Marxist critical race theory — which teaches that hidden “structural racism” permeates American society, a society that must be deconstructed and upended — Learning for Justice claimed that the characters in Dr. Seuss books were “virtually 100 percent white,” save for a small minority of people of color. Read More 


Pompeo: US officials tried to undermine Abraham Accords to help Palestinians

Israel Hayom: Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is accusing certain US and European officials of attempting to block the historic Abraham Accords in order to keep the Palestinian issue at the top of the international agenda.

“Even though Edom has said, “We have been impoverished, But we will return and build the desolate places.” Malachi 1:4

In a speech at the annual conference of the Combat Anti-Semitism movement, at which the organization awarded him a prize, Pompeo discussed opposition to the accords and said that the Russians, as well as certain policy-makers in the United States and Europe, would have preferred to see them fail to materialize.

According to Pompeo, the unnamed officials wanted to maintain the “delusion” that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the keystone to regional peace. The former secretary of state said that when the opponents of the accords, realized that no Intifada would erupt as a result of the agreements being signed, and Israel could establish “warm ties” with its regional neighbors, they saw that the Trump administration’s approach had been correct.

Pompeo said he believed that many other countries would sign on to the accords, adding that he hoped Saudi Arabia would be one, as well as Muslim countries outside the Middle East. Read More