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New WH ‘Gender Policy Council’ will promote abortion/LGBT ideology throughout gov’t agencies

LifeSite News: U.S. President Joe Biden has issued an executive order establishing a new White House Gender Policy Council that will promote abortion and gender ideology throughout all government agencies.  Abortion groups applauded the decision.

“A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” Deut. 22:5

The Biden gender council will cover an ambitious—and expansive—set of issues, many of which provide an opening for abortion in its policy recommendations.  Among these is its plan to coordinate a “comprehensive, interagency response to gender-based violence at home and abroad,” which has become closely linked with abortion in both the domestic and international context.

It also takes an expansive view of gender similar to what was instituted under the Obama administration. During Obama’s tenure an elaborate suite of gender policies was adopted by the US Agency for International Development to streamline “gender integration” and “gender analysis” at the agency at all stages of the USAID program cycle. Read More

With 89% of the votes in, Likud holds 30-seat lead, Right-wing bloc has 52 mandates

Israel Hayom: Following a dramatic Tuesday night and after some 87% of the votes had been counted as of Wednesday morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party appeared close to victory – although his fate still depends on Yamina leader Naftali Bennett.

The right-wing bloc of Netanyahu supporters currently has 52 mandates; the Center-Left bloc has 56 seats, but Yamina’s seven seats, and now Ra’am’s five seats, could go to either bloc to give it the majority it needs.

Shortly after the exit polls were released, Bennett said, “I will only do what is good for the State of Israel.” He did not elaborate further.

Voter turnout on Tuesday was particularly low – only 66.9% – marking the lowest turnout in the past four elections.

Cigna Responds to Claims That It Excludes White Men in the Hiring Process

PJ Media: According to an explosive report from The Washington Examiner, one of the nation’s largest health insurance providers actively discriminates against white males in hiring and pushes Marxist critical race theory on its staff.

Cigna reportedly urges staff to check various kinds of “privilege,” to avoid using terms like “Wives/husband,” and to read books that claim America is systemically racist. In a statement to PJ Media, Cigna condemned racism and discrimination and insisted its positions were open to qualified applicants, regardless of race. The company did not explicitly deny using racial quotas or address claims about its training materials.

“Given the hiring practices they have in place where white, male candidates are blocked, regardless of qualifications, I have to say, ‘Yes, there’s obvious discrimination at this company,’” an anonymous employee told the Washington Examiner.

In chat logs reviewed by the Examiner, a hiring manager rejected a candidate with strong credentials who had performed well in an interview — because the hiring manager mistakenly thought the candidate was white. An employee corrected the manager, noting that the candidate was indeed a minority, and then the manager said she was excited to hire him, despite learning almost nothing else about his background. Read More

All Hell Breaks Loose In Turkey: Stocks Halted, Overnight Lira Implied Rate Hits 10,000%

Zero Hedge: Chaos has broken out across Turkey’s capital markets with bank shares crashing and marketwide stop-loss halts activated after President Tayyip Erdogan shocked investors by sacking the central bank governor.

Turkey’s stock market logged its worst two days since the global financial crisis of 2008 this week: the fall in Turkey’s main Borsa Istanbul (BIST-100) index on Monday was the largest since mid-2013, when the Fed’s “taper tantrum” hammered emerging markets including Turkey. Turkey started off just as bad, with the BIST 100 Index plunging almost 9%, triggering circuit breakers on the Istanbul bourse for the second day.

Chaos has broken out across Turkey’s capital markets with bank shares crashing and marketwide stop-loss halts activated after President Tayyip Erdogan shocked investors by sacking the central bank governor.

But as Bloomberg notes, after a few hours of panicked selling, stocks had clawed back almost all of the losses and the lira stabilized near a record low. Losses in Turkish markets slowed on Tuesday as some investors scooped up bargains, pulling the main equity gauge back from its biggest two-day drop in 20 years.

Indeed, after a chaotic trading day on Monday in the wake of President Erdogan’s decision to fire central bank Governor Naci Agbal and appoint a hand-picked puppet who believes in Erdoganomics – the country’s 4th central banker in 2 years – markets seemed to calm down following reassuring statements from Turkish officials. Yigit Bulut, a senior adviser to Erdogan, said the central bank would avoid any extraordinary steps under Agbal’s successor, Sahap Kavcioglu. He also reiterated Erdogan’s monetary policy theory that high inflation is caused by elevated interest rates.

Still, it will be extremely difficult to restore foreign investor confidence in the country’s battered financial system now that the central bank is officially Erdogan’s plaything. Read More

Yield Curve Control: Another Recipe For Stagnation

Zero Hedge: Central banks do not manage risk, they disguise it. You know you live in a bubble when a small bounce in sovereign bond yields generates an immediate panic reaction from central banks trying to prevent those yields from rising further. It is particularly more evident when the alleged soar in yields comes after years of artificially depressing them with negative rates and asset purchases.

“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A [b]quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” Revelation 6:6

It is scary to read that the European Central Bank will implement more asset purchases to control a small love in yields that still left sovereign issuers bonds with negative nominal and real interest rates. It is even scarier to see that market participants hail the decision of disguising risk with even more liquidity.

No one seemed to complain about the fact that sovereign issuers with alarming solvency problems were issuing bonds with negative yields. No one seemed to be concerned about the fact that the European Central Bank bought more than 100% of net issuances from Eurozone states. What shows what a bubble we live in is that market participants find logical to see a central bank taking aggressive action to prevent bond yields from rising… to 0.3% in Spain or 0.6% in Italy.

This is the evidence of a massive bubbleRead More

Could an Arab party play kingmaker in today’s Israeli elections?

JNS: According to the survey, the most qualified candidate for prime minister in the Arab sector is Benjamin Netanyahu, with 24.9 percent support, followed by Ahmad Tibi of the Joint Arab List with 14.3 percent.

Joseph’s suggestions were well received by Pharaoh and his officials. 38 So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?” Genesis 38:1-2 NLT

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s effort to gain Israeli Arab votes by emphasizing his practical policy towards them by aiding with issues that concern them appears to be gaining traction. He has been seen in the media sitting with Bedouin sipping tea, visiting the Bedouin city of Rahat in the Negev and playing soccer on the beach with Arab children all to court a new swath of voters.

Mansour Abbas, the head of the United Arab List Party (UAL, also known by its Hebrew acronym, Ra’am)—the political branch of the southern branch of the Islamic Movement—broke off from the Arab Joint List of parties after angering them for seeking to improve ties with Netanyahu and the government.

Arik Rudnitzky of the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University’s Moshe Dayan Center told JNS that “it appears that many in the Arab public do not believe that the Knesset can further their interests.” Read More


Very bright fireball over Pennsylvania, U.S.

The Watchers: A very bright fireball was recorded over Pennsylvania, U.S. at around 04:25 UTC (00:25 EDT) on March 21, 2021.

The American Meteor Society (AMS) received 263 reports, mostly from Pennsylvania, but users from Connecticut, Washington DC, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Ontario and Québec, Canada also reported seeing the event.

The meteor was also detected by 3 meteor cameras belonging to the NASA Fireball Network and 2 cameras of the Southern Ontario Meteor Network.

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