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Biden’s eyes ‘are now dead’: Bannon says President Kamala is imminent

Vice President Kamala Harris talks on the phone with French President Emmanuel Macron Monday, Feb. 15, 2021, at the Blair House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson)

WND: Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon believes America should prepare for a transition to a President Harris.

Bannon was speaking with the author of the book “Biden Unauthorized,” Mike McCormick, on his “War Room” video podcast, reported Conservative Brief.

Bannon pointed to a photo of Biden on the cover of McCormick’s book that was taken some years ago, showing a glint in the eyes of the longtime senator and former vice president.

His “eyes are now dead,” Bannon said of Biden, noting Harris has a much greater role than previous vice presidents, including meeting with foreign leaders. Read More

Gold to shine again?

Zero Hedge: Everybody hates gold these days, but with the March FOMC meeting coming up, things could get “dynamic” to the upside.

We won’t go into the technicalities of why Fed does not want surging yields, there are plenty of pundits explaining this already.

The surge in gov debt over past 10 years is huge and interest payments going forward are not looking great. Real rates must be kept negative.

“They will throw their silver into the streets,
And their gold will be like refuse;
Their silver and their gold will not be able to deliver them
In the day of the wrath of the Lord ….” Ezekiel 7:19

1, Gold is bouncing today (first time in a while) and RSI is coming from extremely oversold levels. At the same time, mighty DXY is showing signs of pausing, with RSI at extreme overbought levels.

2, Gold is finding support from a longer term trend line, while DXY reverses at big short term resistance levels. Note how “dislocated gold is from the 200 day moving average here, while DXY almost “kissed” it.

2, Gold is finding support from a longer term trend line, while DXY reverses at big short term resistance levels. Note how “dislocated gold is from the 200 day moving average here, while DXY almost “kissed” it.

At Dubai airport, travelers’ eyes become their passports

Techcplore: Dubai’s airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, can already feel surreal, with its cavernous duty-free stores, artificial palm trees, gleaming terminals, water cascades and near-Arctic levels of air conditioning.

Now, the key east-west transit hub is rolling out another addition from the realm of science fiction—an iris-scanner that verifies one’s identity and eliminates the need for any human interaction when entering or leaving the country.

At Dubai airport, travelers' eyes become their passports

It’s the latest artificial intelligence program the United Arab Emirates has launched amid the surging coronavirus pandemic, contact-less technology the government promotes as helping to stem the spread of the virus. But the efforts also have renewed questions about mass surveillance in the federation of seven sheikhdoms, which experts believe has among the highest per capita concentrations of surveillance cameras in the world.

Iran’s breach of 2015 accord reaches new level, IAEA reports

Israel Hayom: Iran has started enriching uranium with a third cascade, or cluster, of advanced IR-2m centrifuges at its underground plant at Natanz, the world’s main nuclear watchdog told its member states on Monday, further breaching Iran’s 2015 deal with major powers.

“After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate” Ezekiel 38 NIV

“On 7 March 2021, the Agency verified … that: Iran had begun feeding natural UF6 into the third cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges,” the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a report obtained by Reuters, referring to uranium hexafluoride, the feedstock for centrifuges.

The fourth cascade of 174 IR-2m centrifuges was installed but had yet to be fed with natural UF6; installation of a fifth cascade of IR-2m centrifuges was ongoing; and installation of a sixth cascade of IR-2m centrifuges had yet to begin,” it added. Read More

Ron Paul: The Fed Is Enabling Biden And Congress’ Destructive Agenda

Zero Hedge: According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 2021 will be the second year in a row in which the federal debt exceeds Gross Domestic Product (GDP). CBO also projected that this year’s federal deficit will be 2.3 trillion dollars, which is 900 billion dollars less than last year. However, CBO’s projections do not include the 1.9 trillion dollars “stimulus” bill Congress is likely to pass.

“The rich rule over the poor,
    and the borrower is slave to the lender” NIV

The CBO’s report was largely ignored by Congress and the media. One reason the report did not get the attention it deserves is Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s continued commitment to making sure Fed policies enable Congress to spend as much as Congress deems necessary to address the economic fallout from the coronavirus panic.

As financial analyst Peter Schiff points out, the Fed’s commitment to ensuring the government can run up massive debt means the Fed will not allow interest rates to increase to anywhere near what they would be in a free market. This is because increasing interest rates would cause the federal government’s debt payments to rise to unsustainable levels. Yet, the Fed cannot admit it is going to keep rates near, or even below, zero indefinitely without unsettling the markets. So, the Fed continues to promise interest rate hikes in the future and the markets pretend to believe the Fed. When (or if) the lockdowns end, the Fed will find a new crisis justifying “temporarily” keeping interest rates low.

The Federal Reserve has not just endorsed massive federal spending, Fed Chairman Powell has also endorsed masks, vaccines, and social distancing to defeat the coronavirus and restore the economy. It is disappointing, but not surprising, to see the Fed go full Fauci.

New Biden Executive Order Increases Voting by Criminals

Newsmax: President Joe Biden signed an executive order Sunday designed in part to increase voting and voter registration access for criminals in prison and on probation, according to the White House.

Voting Rights of Citizens v/s Voting Rights of Convicted Criminals- Should there be a difference? -

“The order will direct the attorney general to establish procedures to provide educational materials related to voter registration and voting, and to the extent practicable, to facilitate voter registration, for all eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons,” the White House states in a fact sheet on the measure.

The attorney general also must help former prisoners obtain appropriate identification to satisfy state voting requirements under the new law. Read More

BREAKING: Wyoming Announces End To Lockdown, Lifts Mask Mandate

Daily Wire: Notably, Gordon is still leaving some pandemic measures in place, such as a mask mandate on all elementary through high schools, according to CNN. Gordon touted the state’s vaccination efforts for his decision to lift regulations.

Notably, Gordon is still leaving some pandemic measures in place, such as a mask mandate on all elementary through high schools, according to CNN. Gordon touted the state’s vaccination efforts for his decision to lift regulations.

Protests Begin After Chauvin Trial Delayed, Prosecution Pushes To Reinstate 3rd Degree Murder Charge

CNBC: The start of the trial of Derek Chauvin, a Minneapolis Police Officer charged with killing George Floyd, has been delayed Monday by the presiding judge who has opted to wait and see whether an appeals court will reinstate a third-degree murder charge against Chauvin, which would make it easier for AG Keith Ellison & company to score a conviction in what’s expected to be one of the most high-profile trials in recent memory.

Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill, who is presiding over the trial, threw out the third-degree murder charge last fall.  On Monday, he sent prospective jurors home for the day as he said he wanted to hear from the Court of Appeals about the prosecution’s request – which was initially granted – to revive the third-degree murder charge, as well as findings about whether he has jurisdiction to try the case, an issue that has been raised by the prosecution. The appeals court found on Friday that Cahill shouldn’t have thrown out the third-degree murder charge, but Chauvin’s defense attorney, Eric Nelson, is petition the Minnesota Supreme Court to overturn the charge.

The autopsy findings potentially complicate the prosecution’s push for a murder conviction, which is why it’s hardly a surprise that prosecutors are trying to mitigate the risks of an embarrassing acquittal. Read More

Scott Adams
It’s easy to see the future on this one. Fentanyl in Floyd’s system makes a murder conviction of any kind unlikely. Riots are coming.


German Pastor FINED for HATE SPEECH: Homosexuality Taken Directly From Scripture

Grad Mageri 422: Recently, Pastor Olaf  Latzel was fined an exorbitant amount of money because he preached from God’s Word that homosexuality is an abomination to our God.

The pastor had merely reiterated biblical teaching on homosexuality in a private seminar.

What is the significance of this case? Is there a precedent for it?

There is no precedent for it. It’s the other way around: This will serve as a precedent for future cases. That makes it so significant. We have seen this coming for a long time. Even a few years ago some conservative Christian might have already said: If I were to imagine persecution coming to Germany, I might imagine it along the lines of moral  especially sexual — ethics.

Now, with Olaf Latzel, for the first time a German court restricts religious freedom (Article 4, Basic Law) for the benefit of the homosexual lobby. Or to put it in more neutral terms: to protect the feelings and rights of homosexuals. Read More

Biden abandons Middle East peace

JNS: Lip service aside, the administration’s moves make clear that for Biden and his advisers, Arab-Israel peace is an impediment to their ideologically motivated efforts to empower the PLO and Iran.

“Then he shall confirm a [a]covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering …” Daniel 9:27

The Trump administration was on the verge of securing a peace agreement between Israel and Indonesia in its final weeks in office, according to a former senior Trump administration official involved in the efforts. The official divulged that the negotiations between Israel and the world’s most populous Muslim state were run by then-President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner and Adam Boehler, then-head of the International Development Finance Corporation.

Did Dermer Get Kushner And Flynn In Trouble? – The Forward

Israel was represented by then-Ambassador Ron Dermer and Indonesia by Minister Mohamed Lutfi. To secure peace, Boehler told Bloomberg News last December, the United States would be willing to provide Indonesia with an additional “one or two billion dollars” in aid. Indonesia was interested in Israeli technology and even wanted the Technion to open a campus in Jakarta. It wanted visa-free travel to the Jewish state and Arab and U.S. investment in its sovereign wealth fund. Israel wanted Indonesia to end its economic boycott of the Jewish state. Direct flights from Tel Aviv to Bali were on the table.

The advantages of peace between Israel and Indonesia for both sides are self-evident. But such a peace would also pay a huge dividend to the United States in its burgeoning cold war with China. An expanded strategic and economic partnership with the archipelago and ASEAN member would be a setback for China’s efforts to dominate the South China Sea, particularly with Indonesia playing a role in an Islamic-Israeli alliance led by the United States.

“We got the ball on Indonesia and Israel to the first-yard line,” the official explained. Unfortunately, the Biden administration has dropped the ball on the ground and walked off the field. Read More