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California Collapsing

Zero Hedge: California now fulfills Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s nightmare vision in his prophetic masterpiece “The Possessed” as to what unlimited liberalism must inevitably create – if not stopped in its tracks and rolled back.

Where California goes today, the rest of the United States and much of the Western world goes tomorrow. But what we are now seeing in America’s most populous state is the complete internal collapse of the entire liberal progressive civilization and the society that has most frantically tried to fulfill it

California rapidly grew into the wealthiest and largest population US state. It has produced two two-term presidents (Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan), one of the most important Chief Justices of the Supreme Court (Earl Warren) and the likely next president – current Vice President Kamala Harris if 78-year-old Joe Biden cannot complete his term.

From 1928 to 2004, 14 out of 19 winning presidential election tickets included someone from either California or Texas and Biden’s choice of Harris put California back at the heart of national electoral politics last year.

Politically, California remains rock solid liberal. It has not elected a single Republican to national or statewide office since reelecting incumbent Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006. In 2016, then-Governor Jerry Brown notoriously notoriously handed out state accreditation and driving licenses to untold hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, secure in the knowledge that they would all vote Democrat and so it proved. Registered Democrats now hold a 46 percent to 24 percent advantage over registered Republicans statewide.

California also holds a cast-iron grip on the national Democratic leadership in Congress through House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her key allies such as Congressman Adam Schiff, whose farcical bungles in the two impeachments of President Donald Trump did not dent his immutable position as one of Pelosi’s most youthful favored sons (he is merely 60) at all.

US attacks Iranian-backed militia in Syria

Arutz Sheva: The United States on Thursday carried out an air strike in Syria against a structure belonging to Iranian-backed militia, two officials told the Reuters news agency.

The strike follows a series of recent rocket attacks against US targets in Iraq. It was approved by President Joe Biden, said the unnamed officials.

American soldier on armored vehicle in Iraq

The Pentagon said the strikes were retaliation for a rocket attack in Iraq earlier this month that killed one civilian contractor and wounded a US service member and other coalition troops

Updated: Hasbro Appears to Panic After Announcing Mr. Potato Head Is No Longer a Mister

PJ Media: Mr. Potato Head is gone and he has been replaced with a box of gender-fluid spuds. The reaction to that announcement Thursday caused the company to remove the announcement blowing up “Mr.” Potato Head’s identity and making the toy more gender-neutral. Granted, the company didn’t say “gender-neutral” but that was understood when it said it was making the move ” to promote gender equality and inclusion” and then issued a video blowing up the word “Mr.”

Potato Head

Hasbro is making sure all feel welcome in the Potato Head world by officially dropping the Mr. from the Mr. Potato Head brand name and logo to promote gender equality and inclusion. In the fall, the new Potato Family Pack “Create Your Potato Head Family” will celebrate the many faces of families allowing kids to imagine and create their own Potato Head family.

As I wrote before, “now, Mister Potato Head will be erased into Leftist oblivion – like girls’ sports and books about COVID on Amazon – which are relics of a time when men were potatoes and women were, too.” But the company insists Mr. and Mrs. will survive. Read More

BREAKING: US House passes pro-abortion ‘Equality Act’ to write transgenderism into civil rights law

LifeSite: The U.S. House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 today to pass the “Equality Act,” which would write transgenderism into federal civil rights law, compel medical professionals to commit abortions and transgender surgeries, and expand taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.

Featured Image

“On occasion, Congressional leaders will purposely misname a piece of legislation to disguise its true intention. The Equality Act is the epitome of this misrepresentation,” said Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), who voted against the bill. “Should this bill become law, the wellbeing of our children, the role of parents, the privacy and safety of vulnerable women, the competitive edge of female athletes, the livelihoods of charities and businesses, and the integrity of our healthcare system will all be jeopardized. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Three Republicans voted for the conscience-crushing legislation: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Rep. John Katko of New York, and Rep. Tom Reed of New York. All House Democrats voted in favor of it.

“We are witnessing the greatest assault on religious freedom, biological reality, and parental rights ever seen in the U.S. Congress,” reacted Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. “The Act demands that faith be quarantined within your mind and says that’s where it must stay. However, Bible believers cannot set God’s Word aside to bow before the Equality Act.” Read More

Biden moves to reengage with Palestinians after Israel focus

AP News:  The Biden administration is moving slowly but surely toward reengaging with the Palestinians after a near total absence of official contact during former President Donald Trump’s four years in office.

As American officials plan steps to restore direct ties with the Palestinian leadership, Biden’s national security team is taking steps to restore relations that had been severed while Trump pursued a Mideast policy focused largely around Israel, America’s closest partner in the region.

On Tuesday, for the second time in two days, Biden’s administration categorically embraced a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, something that Trump had been purposefully vague about while slashing aid to the Palestinians and taking steps to support Israel’s claims to land that the Palestinians want for an independent state. Read More

Sell-off accelerates amid surging bond yields, Dow falls 550 points

CNBC: U.S. stocks fell sharply on Thursday as a surge in bond yields prompted investors to dump risk assets, especially high-flying technology stocks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 550 points after closing at a record high in the previous session. The S&P 500 lost 2.4%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite slid 3.3% as Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft all dipped more than 2%. Tesla dropped 7%.

The major averages tumbled to their session lows as the 10-year Treasury yield soared more than 16 basis points to a high of 1.614%, its highest level since February 2020. The jump also put the benchmark rate above the S&P 500′s dividend yield, reducing the relative appeal of equities, which are already considered riskier assets. Read More

Biden HHS Nominee Defended Subjecting Kids to Chemical Castration

PJ Media: Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine (born Richard Levine), President Joe Biden’s pick for assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has long defended experimental transgender “treatments” for children. Levine, who identifies as transgender, has refused to say whether or not he has undergone medical interventions for his own gender identity, telling The Washington Post in 2016 that such “treatment” is a private matter.

Levine, a pediatrician who worked at Penn State Hersey Medical Center from 1993 to 2015 and who teaches pediatrics and psychology at Penn State College of Medicine, has given lectures on how to perform sex changes on children since at least 2012The National Pulse reported. In 2014, Levine argued that adults should give children latitude to choose their genders. He coached adults, “try not to force them one way or [the] other.”

In 2017, Levine recommended cross-sex hormones for children in their mid-teens. According to a video of his speech obtained by The National Pulse, Levine warned about the dangers of going through “the wrong puberty” and encouraged hormones to prevent the natural process of adolescent development.

“So what if you’re going through the wrong puberty? Read More

Bridgewater Explains When It Will Invest In Bitcoin

Zero Hedge, Ray Dalio:

“I expect Bridgewater to soon offer an alt-cash fund and a storehold of wealth fund in order to better deal with the devaluation of money and credit that we consider to be a major risk and opportunity, and Bitcoin won’t escape our scrutiny.”

And now, after significant attention that his comments received, Senior Portfolio Strategist Jim Haskel sits down with Director of Investment Research Rebecca Patterson for the following podcast to further explore these questions:

How does Bitcoin compare to gold as a storehold of wealth?

What would a shift from gold to Bitcoin mean for Bitcoin’s price?

What is the future of Bitcoin regulation? 

Read More


Haman plotted to do away with all the Yehudim, Mordechai‘s people, throughout the kingdom of Ahasuerus. Esther 3:6 (The Israel BibleTM)

Israel 365: As US president Joe Biden is expected to renew the Iran nuclear deal and remove the sanctions placed upon it, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded on Tuesday to what he says is the Islamic Republic’s efforts to obtain nuclear weapons reports 0404.

“On the eve of the holiday of Purim I am telling those who want to destroy us, Iran and its proxies throughout the Middle East: 2,500 years ago, a different oppressive Persian regime tried to annihilate the Jewish nation and just like they failed then, so too will you fail today. We will not allow your extremist, brutal regime obtain nuclear weapons.”

Invoking Jewish history, Netanyahu added: “We did not make the journey throughout the generations and over thousands of years to return to the land of Israel just to allow some basket-case regime of Ayatollahs to finish off the story of the establishment of the Jewish people. We are not sacrificing our loved ones for any agreement with an extremist dictatorship like yours.” Read More