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Senator Sounds Alarm On Far-Left Biden DOJ Nominee Who Supports Defunding Police: ‘She Must Be Stopped’

Daily Wire: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement on Thursday evening that Vanita Gupta, an attorney who President Joe Biden has nominated for the No. 3 job at the Department of Justice, would make America less safe due to her far-left policy views on policing.

“a fool is reckless and careless.” A fool does not plan ahead but rather lives life without considering the impact his actions have on himself and others.” Proverbs 14:16

“Vanita Gupta, President Biden’s nominee for Associate Attorney General, would make America less safe. She must be stopped,” Cotton wrote on Twitter. “More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl. Opioids are already ravaging our communities—we shouldn’t give fentanyl, heroin, or cocaine dealers get-out-of-jail-free cards.”

“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. “Her allies in the jailbreak industry—who are clamoring for access to the Biden DOJ—are now trying to deny what she said. But see for yourself where Vanita Gupta stands on defunding the police.”

Gupta said:

While front-end systems changes are important, it is also critical for state and local leaders to heed calls from Black Lives Matter and Movement for Black Lives activists to decrease police budgets and the scope, role, and responsibility of police in our lives.

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Outrage Grows: National Guard Troops Asked to Stay in D.C. Without ‘Credible Theat’

Breitbart: Lawmakers are demanding to know why the Capitol Police is now requesting that the approximately 5,000 National Guard troops remain in the nation’s capital for another two months.

When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 ESV

Local and federal law enforcement authorities requested National Guard assistance in the wake of the January 6 Capitol building breach and asked them to remain through the January 20 inauguration. Their numbers reached as high as over 26,000 in January.

Their mission is slated to end March 12, but on Thursday, lawmakers revealed there was a request by Capitol Police for the National Guard to remain another 60 days.

Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jim Inhofe (R-OK) said in a statement he is “outraged” they are being asked to stay without clear and specific information about why.

“I’m outraged that U.S. Capitol Police have requested to keep the nearly 5,000 National Guardsmen at the Capitol Complex for another two months without presenting clear and specific information. I haven’t been satisfied with any explanation Congress has received at numerous briefings that all these personnel, resources and barbed wire are needed,” he said. Read More


White House policy: No ‘blank check’ for Israel to pursue anti-American policies

Arutz Sheva: US President Joe Biden on Wednesday released an Interim National Security Strategic Guidance document.

And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Luke 21:24

An excerpt dealing with the Middle East, from page 11 of the 24-page document, stated that the Biden administration “will maintain our ironclad commitment to Israel’s security,” while promising “to deter Iranian aggression and threats.”

The interim guidance has been issued to convey Biden’s vision for how America will engage with the world, and to provide guidance for departments and agencies to align their actions as the Administration begins work on a National Security Strategy, a White House statement said. Read More


You shall not sow your vineyard with a second kind of seed, else the crop—from the seed you have sown—and the yield of the vineyard may not be used. Deuteronomy 22:9 (The Israel BibleTM)

Israel 365: Scientists announced that they have created a ‘xenobot’; an organic robot made from a frog’s stem cells. The project raises theological concerns about creating new life forms, the exclusive purview of God, and practical concerns about what will happen when this living robot is injected into the human body.

Scientists announced that they have created a ‘xenobot’; an organic robot made from a frog’s stem cells. The project raises theological concerns about creating new life forms, the exclusive purview of God, and practical concerns about what will happen when this living robot is injected into the human body.


In a clear burst of hubris, the researchers declared the xenobots to be “entirely new life-forms…never seen in nature.”  They claim this is the first time science  “design[ed] completely biological machines from the ground up.”

“These are novel living machines,” says Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist. Read More

Job growth surges in February on hiring jump in restaurants and bars

CNBC: Hiring surged in February as the U.S. economic activity picked up amid a progressive drop in Covid-19 cases and vaccines provided hope of more growth ahead.

The Labor Department on Friday reported that nonfarm payrolls jumped by 379,000 for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 6.2%. That compared to expectations of 210,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate to hold steady from the 6.3% rate in January.

An alternative measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons was unchanged at 11.1%. Read More

Ahead of visit to Iraq, Pope Francis says he will go as a ‘pilgrim of peace’

Times of Israel: On the eve of his historic trip to Iraq, Pope Francis paid tribute Thursday to those who have suffered from years of violence, saying he came as a “pilgrim of peace.”

“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon” Revelation 13:11

In a video message, the 84-year-old offered his hand to “brothers and sisters of other religions,” but also highlighted the heavy toll paid by Iraq’s Christian communities, saying there had been “too many martyrs.”

“I come as a pilgrim of peace in search of fraternity, animated by the desire to pray together and to walk together, also with the brothers and sisters of other religions,” he added. Read More

Here’s why inflation is kryptonite for bonds as Powell’s comments rock markets

CNBC: Fed Chairman Jerome Powell expressed little worry about inflation and provided no indication of policy changes ahead.

  • Bonds and stocks both sold off on the comments.
  • Inflation is poison for bonds as it causes rising yields and falling prices.
  • Inflation lowers the value of future interest payments on bond

The bond market sold off Thursday when Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell expressed little worry about inflation and provided no indication of policy changes ahead.

In an exchange with The Wall Street Journal, the central bank leader acknowledged that an economy recuperating from the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic could see some price pressures ahead. Read More


YouTube Removes Videos of Trump’s CPAC Speech, Suspends RSBN

PJ Media: During his historic speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Sunday, former President Donald Trump claimed that substantial election fraud changed the outcome of the 2020 election. When Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) uploaded a video of Trump’s remarks on YouTube, the platform removed that video and suspended RSBN’s YouTube account. It remains unclear whether the platform has removed other videos of Trump’s speech.

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) - Home - Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

“RSBN has been suspended from YouTube for two weeks because of the Trump [CPAC] speech, which violated their guidelines on election misinformation,” RSBN announced on Twitter Thursday. “The video was approaching 4 million views. They have also removed it from their platform.”

RSBN, a conservative media company founded in July 2015, became known for live-stream coverage of Trump’s rallies on YouTube. In December 2020, it began uploading videos to the alternative video streaming service Rumble. RSBN covered many legal hearings alleging fraud in the 2020 election, streamed Trump’s January 6 speech before the Capitol riot, and reached almost 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube in January.

RSBN later claimed that “even some of the major [news] networks had their video of Trump’s speech removed, though it is not clear if they also received a two week suspension and/or strike on their accounts like we did. Doubt it.” Read More

Dow drops 400 points after Powell triggers a jump in yields, Nasdaq goes red on the year

CNBC: U.S. stocks fell sharply on Thursday after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell failed to reassure investors that the central bank would keep surging bond yields and inflation expectations in check.

The S&P 500 last traded down 1.6% after dropping 2.5% at its session low. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 440 points. At one point, the blue-chip benchmark tumbled more than 700 points. The Nasdaq Composite fell 2.3% as growth stocks came under pressure amid rising rates. Apple slipped 1.6%, while Tesla dropped 5.4%. The heavy losses pushed the Nasdaq into the red for the year.

The tech-heavy benchmark also fell into correction territory, down more than 10% from its recent high on an intraday basis. Read More

Freedom Watch: China Behind Global Decline in Freedom

Breitbart: Freedom House on Wednesday released the 2021 edition of its annual Freedom in the World report, charting an alarming “deterioration of democracy” around the world in 2020.

So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:4

The report cited the “malign influence of the regime in China” as one of the most “profound” factors in the rising tide of authoritarianism.

Of course, the pandemic that swept out of China to destabilize the world was a major factor as well, and it was a powerful force multiplier for the identified malevolence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As the Freedom House report, subtitled Democracy Under Siege, put it:

In Restive Chinese Area, Cameras Keep Watch - The New York Times

The spread of the Wuhan coronavirus was accompanied by a matching spread of “excessive surveillance, discriminatory restrictions on freedoms like movement and assembly, and arbitrary or violent enforcement of such restrictions by police and nonstate actors,” which is tantamount to saying the CCP’s worldview and ideology spread along with its virus. A growing number of ruling regimes took advantage of the coronavirus to “quash opposition and fortify their power,” and China is the world leader in exports for opposition-quashing tactics and technologies. Read More